A BOOK REVIEW ON A Summer to die
Saturday, March 14, 2009
by Anh Reidjyn Salcedo
IV- Sir Isaac Newton
Lois Lowry’s A Summer to Die is the first novel of her candor which was published in 1977. This may have the deepest emotional reaction of the reader for the story is really touching. It revolves around the craft of a family where in Meg and Molly has their relationship as sisters. They naturally share the character of loving and sharing since they should be doing so because they are deeply attached with each other, as they belong to a single bloodline.
Lois Lowry is an american author of children's literature. She has since written more than 30 books for children and published an autobiography. Two of her works have been awarded the prestigious Newbery Medal: Number the Stars in 1990, and The Giver in 1994.
As an author, Lowry is known for writing about difficult subject matters within her works for children. Her skill at writing on such matters has brought her both praise and criticism. In particular, her work The Giver has been met with a diversity of reactions which made her the statue of excellence.
Meg (Margaret Chalmers) is the thirteen year-old girl who narrates the story. She is Molly’s younger sister. She liked to have everything that her sister has. Although it cannot be avoided that she is envy, they still have different characters and they have different outlooks from each other. Molly is pretty, and Meg is smart; Molly is neat, and Meg is not; and Molly is attractive, and Meg is artistic.
Molly is Meg’s two year-older sister. She is pretty, very attractive, and a girl who always look forward to perfection. Meg envies her but she does not mind. On the latter part, she would help Meg change her outlooks.
It was hard for Meg not to be envious of Molly. Blond, pretty and popular, Molly was the one who always knew what to say, who was giggly and fun, full of smiles and silly enthusiasms. It was Molly who had long eyelashes, while thirteen-year-old Meg had glasses. Molly who developed a figure and boyfriends the same year that Meg got Molly's outgrown winter coat. Molly who was sure about the future, had sorted out her own goals, while Meg, determined and unsure at the same time, was sometimes angry over nothing, often miserable about everything.
Things grew even worse when they had to share a room. That's when Molly drew the chalk line. Right down the rug and up the wall, across the wallpaper with its blue flowers. Separating them.
Then Molly got sick. At first it was just a nuisance. Grouchy, constantly worrying about her looks, never without a box of Kleenex because of those dumb nosebleeds, everyone waited on her hand and foot when she was home and was totally preoccupied with test results when she was in the hospital. Meg didn't know what to make of the changes taking place in Molly and their parents. Until the day she realized that Molly was never going to come home from the hospital. That Molly was going to die.
With this story, we shall always bear in mind that, while there is still time, we need to take chance to do everything that we wanted to do. Those things that we wanted to say, even before. The piles of second thoughts in our head should be destroyed because the moment the end of the time arrives. We cannot bring back chances anymore, when, we really wanted to express what we truly feel but we didn’t. it would surely be a big block of regret in your life for it is only when it is done that I thought of doing things so.
III. Analysis of the Text
Lois Lowry has written a poignant and perceptive first novel exploring the complex emotions a young girl faces in dealing with the death of a sister just at the very time when she had begun to ease her sense of jealousy and impatience into love.
In Lois Lowry’s work, I can find complete sophistication. There is the clear distinction of her thoughts. She was able to deliver the message straight to the point.
It is clearly stated in the book that the lesson is that easy to remember and it is all up to us whether we are to believe it or not. But the root and riches of all these is that, we shouldn’t waste time because great efforts are made through snapped unnoticed times.
IV. Evaluation of Text
In this script of writings, the story absolutely fitted in to what I am expecting. Liked it much because it made me think of things I am usually ignoring. It’s just now that I knew that I have to be punctual to those things I am not sure of happening yet.
I found the book truly interesting, as how the story and lessons are. I recommend this book to be read by everyone because the lesson brought about by this story of Lois Lowry is definitely inspirational and life- teaching.
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